The Verso Umbrella Retirement Fund arrangement consists of the Verso Umbrella Retirement Pension Fund (Registration no. 12/8/37307) and the Verso Umbrella Retirement Provident Fund (Registration no. 12/8/37308), i.e. two separate legal entities registered in terms of the Pension Funds Act 24 of 1956.
The Fund’s flexible design enables participating employers to appoint their own accredited employee benefit consultants, as well as preferred risk benefit underwriters. There are three investment options available to the participants of the fund to choose from.
These Funds were established in an effort to address specific retirement funding needs of clients and prospective clients, as a cost effective alternative. The Funds are independently and professionally managed by their own Board of Trustees.
Verso Financial Services (Pty) Ltd’s special-ised employee benefits team offers consulting and administration services to some of South Africa’s largest companies, municipalities and government departments.