Web Access
Both members and employers may access their fund information via the web. The detailed information provided by the system guarantees a high level of transparency for both employees and employers.
Fund Level Access
This access is only available to applicants authorised by the employer. Fund Level Access will enable the user to view an employer’s current employees’ personal pension records.
Each person applying for access must complete and sign the ‘Fund Level Web Access Application’ Form. The form must be counter-signed and stamped by either the employers’ Chief Executive Officer or Managing Director.
Member Level Web Access
Members may access their fund information via this website following an online registration process. This “Member Level Web Access” enables individuals to view the growth of their retirement savings account, track progress of claims and update contact details. This process simultaneously enables the SMS service which will give you access to your fund data via your cell phone.
To secure a successful registration, your fund administrator must already be in possession of your name, identity number and cell number. This information is to be forwarded to the Fund via your HR department. Once the above is confirmed, self registration takes place at the “VFS Member Login” link provided on the website. Your username and password will then be forwarded to you via SMS.